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You Could Be Forced To Sell Your Home In 2024.


Updated: May 25, 2024

PLUS How To Ensure Your Family Inherits Your Home.

There are many reasons why you could be forced to sell your home, including funding your care fees or various other financial situations that you may come across in the future.

But you may be asking yourself, “I already have a will, my family is going to inherit my home, right?”

Unfortunately, this is not the case. A will can’t prevent you from not being forced to sell your home. In fact, we can promise you that we are not talking about wills here.

We are actually talking about one simple way that will prevent you from being forced to sell your home, whilst protecting your family from paying thousands of pounds in legal fees. 

But first, you will discover how we helped 400+ people across the UK unlock peace of mind as they can relax, knowing that they have prevented their families from a financial and emotional shipwreck once they pass away.

For more than 20 years, we have assisted people in unique situations to have a simple, stress-free later life as they can stop themselves from being forced to sell their homes due to many different financial situations.

But here’s a situation tens of thousands of people across the UK go through, so let me put you into a scenario…

You’re finally living happily off their hard-earned pension, no work, little to no responsibilities, and your children are set out to inherit their home when you pass away.

But after an unexpected health problem, your partner is placed in a care home for several months to recover.

Weeks passed, and the care fees started to pile up. Your mailbox was overflowing with care fees that you just couldn’t afford. 

But there was one letter from the local authority informing you that if you couldn’t pay your partner’s care fees, you would be forced to sell your home to pay to fund them.

So after sleepless nights, searching on the web and desperate for a solution, you finally found something that you never heard of before.

You quickly booked a call with an expert, and just in a few weeks you were able to completely protect your home from care fees, and prevented your loving family from not inheriting the home they deserve!

Now you may be asking “What is this amazing ‘thing’ called?”

It’s called a ‘Family Protection Trust’ and more and more people across the UK are using it to protect their homes from almost every financial situation, especially care fees. 

More than 650,000 people have benefited from having a Family Protection Trust in recent years, especially with the cost of living constantly rising.

Now... you may be thinking, “Why do thousands of people have this trust?”

There are lots of reasons why, so here's how a Family Protection Trust benefits you...

• You protect yourself from being forced to sell your home.

• You could save your family from paying thousands of pounds in legal fees.

• You will stop your family from having countless court dates and phone calls. 

• You can prevent yourself from leaving your family in a legal and financial nightmare that would have happened if they lost their home.  

And the great part?

This could save you from paying more than £200,000 out of your pocket when looking for a new house if you lose your only home to care fees…

And that’s not all, owning a Family Protection Trust doesn’t matter how high your income is, what age you are, or anything else for that matter! It just matters if you are willing to protect your home from not just care fees... but every financial situation that you may unexpectedly encounter in the future!

But there’s one aspect left on the table… with the thousands of people reading this, only 10% of people will fill in the form, go on a call with an expert, and get all of these amazing benefits of having a family protection trust.

But as for the other 90% who don’t fill in the form, the time may come when you are in a financial situation where you might be forced to sell your home, and you wish you thought ahead earlier, but it was just too late.

You are now left with 2 options... You can click the link below, fill in your details, and go on a call with an expert and discover…

• How to protect yourself from being forced to sell your home.

• How to save your family from paying thousands of pounds in legal fees.

• What to do to prevent your family from having countless court dates and phone calls. 

• The exact steps you need to take if you want to prevent yourself from leaving your family in a legal and financial nightmare once you pass.

Alternatively, you could hope that you never encounter this situation and live without peace of mind in your later life.

So if you want to protect your home and your loved ones, and have peace of mind in your later years…

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